8:45 | First bus arrives and students are to enter building |
8:55 | Students inside school (must be in homeroom or attend religious exercises) |
9:08 | O Canada & announcements |
9:30-10:45 | Periods 1 & 3 |
10:45- 11:00 | Morning break |
10:30- 12:05 | Periods 4 - 5 |
12:05-1:05 | Lunch break |
1:00 K afternoon start time 1:05- 2:10 | Periods 6 & 7 |
2:10-2:25 | Afternoon break |
2:25-3:35 | Periods 8 & 9 |
3:37 | Dismissal of all K-8 bus students |
3:45 | Dismissal for walkers & town students |